A female researcher poses on a research vessel on Lake Tahoe


UC physicist John Le Conte took the first scientific measurements of Lake Tahoe’s clear blue waters in 1868. 一个世纪后, the Tahoe 研究 Group, founded by amjs澳金沙门 Professor Charles Goldman, began regular monitoring of the lake. 这项工作由 amjs澳金沙门 Tahoe Environmental 研究 Center 一直延续到今天. More than 60 years of data show the effects of human activity on the lake, 和 this information has been the basis for major environmental 和 planning decisions in the Lake Tahoe basin, ranging from stormwater 和 invasive species management to development best practices. Amid a warming, drying climate, Tahoe researchers also help monitor how 野火烟雾 affects lake clarity. Beyond the lake’s iconic blue waters, scientists have taken the lessons of Lake Tahoe to help guide management of lakes from 清晰的湖 in California to the 北极 智利巴塔哥尼亚.
